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Astorg Partners

Commercial name: ASTORG
Headquarters: 68 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré - 75008 PARIS - France
RCS: RCS PARIS 419 838 545
SIRET: 419 838 545 00012
APE Code: 6630Z
VAT number: FR38.419.838.545

Tel: +33 1 53 05 40 50
Fax: +33 1 53 05 40 57

ASTORG PARTNERS is a fund management company regulated by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers - French financial market regulator). Astorg Partners was approved as a fund management company for private equity on August 7, 1998 and as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager on June 10, 2014 according to Directive 2011/61/UE. Its approval number is GP 98-36.

Astorg Partners manages FPCI (fonds professionnels de capital investissement/professional funds for private equity) subject to French law (AIF, alternative investment funds) and for professional investors only. Astorg III to Astorg V are managed by Astorg Partners.

Astorg Asset Management

Commercial name: ASTORG
Headquarters: 15 rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
RCS: B 187.541
VAT number: LU2804 2979

Tel: +352 26 09 211
Fax: +352 26 09 21 99

ASTORG ASSET MANAGEMENT is a fund management company regulated by the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – Luxembourg financial market regulator). Astorg Asset Management was approved as an alternative investment fund manager on August 20, 2015 under the number N. A00001441.

Astorg Asset Management manages SLPs (special limited partnerships) subject to Luxembourg law (AIF, alternative investment funds) and for professional investors only. Astorg VI and Astorg VII are managed by Astorg Asset Management.

Astorg Advisory LLC

Commercial name: ASTORG
Headquarters: 31 West 52nd Street Suite 2504 New York NY 10019 USA
EIN: 38-4140034

Tel: +1 917-636-2043

Non-discretionary sub-advisory entity that provides non-binding advice and recommendations.

Astorg is supported by a sub-advisory entity located in New York, which provides non-binding advice and recommendations on prospective and actual investments, exits and other matters relating to the investment portfolio.


Astorg exercises the voting rights held in the funds' portfolios it manages so that they are exercised in favour of the investors' interests. Astorg has set up a Voting rights policies with such view.


Complaints resolution procedure and information on the CSSF acting as an out-of-court complaint resolution body.

Astorg – Complaints handling procedure

At Astorg, our aim is to establish a relationship based on trust by doing everything we can to provide you with a high-quality service. However, if despite our efforts you are not completely satisfied, you can find information on our complaints handling procedure below.

Filing a complaint with our Complaints Handling Officer

In the first instance, please contact our complaints handling officer by sending a letter, or an email, using the contact information below:

Astorg Asset Management Sarl
Attn: complaints handling officer
15 rue Edward Steichen
L-2540 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


To ensure a quick and efficient handling of your complaint, please provide the following information when you contact us:

– Your identity and contact details;

– Confirmation of the fund(s) concerned;

– Reason(s) of the complaint;

– Where relevant, copies of any documentation supporting your complaint.

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt in writing within (10) ten business days after receipt of the complaint, unless the answer itself is provided to you within this period.

Should your complaint require further investigation, a response will be sent to you within (1) one month of receipt. If we are unable to resolve your complaint within 1 month of receipt, we will send you a letter explaining why we are not in a position to resolve your complaint and provide an indication of when we will make further contact.

If you are not satisfied with the response received from our complaints handling officer, you can contact Astorg’s management by sending a letter to the following address:

Astorg Asset Management Sarl
Attn. Executive Committee
15 rue Edward Steichen
L-2540 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

In your letter, please include your file reference number as mentioned in the response sent by the complaints handling officer.

Out-of-court complaint resolution with the Luxembourgish Financial Supervisory Authority (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – CSSF)

If you are still dissatisfied with the response given by Astorg’s management, you can resort to the CSSF for an out-of-court complaint resolution. You must file your complaint at the CSSF within one year of contacting Astorg.

The request should be made in writing (in Luxembourgish, German, English or French), and, in principle, any format is accepted by the CSSF. The request may be filed: 

- either by filling in the form (PDF or online) available at the following address: (under the section “How to submit a complaint to the CSSF”)

- or by mail (simple mailing, no registered letter required) to the following address: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier,  Département Juridique CC, 283 route d’Arlon, L-2991 Luxembourg; 

- or by e-mail at the following address:

Further information on the out-of-court complaint resolution process can be found on the CSSF’s website, at the following address:


A PRIIP KID has been prepared by Astorg Asset Management with respect to Astorg VII and is made available here.


A PRIIP KID has been prepared by Astorg Asset Management with respect to Astorg MidCap and is made available here.


A PRIIP KID has been prepared by Astorg Asset Management with respect to Astorg VIII and is made available here.


For Japanese Investors – ASTORG VIII (GP) – Public Inspection Regarding Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc. Click here.


For Japanese Investors – ASTORG VIII (GP) – Form 21-3. Click here.


For Japanese Investors – ASTORG EQUITY SOLUTIONS I (GP) – Public Inspection Regarding Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc. Click here.


For Japanese Investors – ASTORG IX (GP) – Form 20-2 – Public Inspection Regarding Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc. Click here.
